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- Illusionology
- Illusions - Secrets from the World of Magic
- Illusions Illustrated
- Illustrated Book of Magic Tricks
- Illustrated History of Magic
- Illustrated History of Magic (1996)
- Illustrated Magic
- Illustrated Story of Magic
- Illustrierte Magische Bibliothek Band 1-6
- Illustrierte Zauber-Soiree
- Illustriertes Zauberbuch
- Ilusionismo
- Ilya Simvoloko
- Im Banne des Zauberkreises
- Im Mentalen Salon
- Im Reich der Wunder
- Im Zeichen des Zorro
- Im Ärmel, Stuttgarter Magie
- Imagination
- Imam
- Immediate Magic
- Imp Bottle
- Impossi-Bill Braid
- Impossibilia - The close-up magic of John Bannon
- Impromptu Karten-Programm
- Improved Wa Ter Lu
- Imro Fox
- Imro Fox (Foto 1)
- Imro Fox (Foto 2)
- In Vitro
- In geheimer Mission
- In kleinen Schritten
- Inaki
- Independent Magical Performers of Sydney
- Index Stewart James in Print & The James File
- Index to the Alfredson/Daily Bibliography of Conjuring Periodicals
- Indian Magician
- Indian Yarn Mystery
- Indischer Seiltrick
- Inflation
- Inflation (Magiro)
- Info Box
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- Ingo
- Ingo Baudach
- Ingo Oschmann
- Ingo Oschmann (Foto)
- Ingo von Wilke
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 1)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 2)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 3)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 4)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 5)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 6)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 7)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 8)
- Ingo von Wilke & Michele Douanier (Plakat 9)
- Ins Herz geschlossen
- Inside Card Magic
- Inside Card Magic, Band 2
- Inside Card Magic, Band 3
- Inside Magic
- Inside Out
- Inside Street Magic
- Inspirations
- Inspired Magical Effects
- Instanto Deck
- Institut Kadotheum
- Interlocutor
- Interlude
- Intermagic
- International Brotherhood of Magicians
- International Standard Book Number
- Internationale Artistenloge
- Internationale Magie
- Internationale Standardnummer für fortlaufende Sammelwerke
- Internationale Zauber-Show (Plakat)
- Internationaler Zauberkongress 1939
- Internationales Artistenmuseum
- Internationales Rendezvous der Zauberer
- Intimate Power
- Introducing Bill's Magic
- Intuitional Sight
- Invisible Man's Magic Trick Set
- Invisible Secrets Revealed
- Invisible Thread Book
- Invocation
- Inés la Maga
- Ionia
- Ireland’s Trick Talk
- Irene Larsen
- Irene Larsen (Foto 1)
- Irene Larsen (Foto 2)
- Irene Larsen (Foto 3)
- Irene Larsen (Foto 4)
- Iris Dankemeyer
- Iris Ruth Wachsmann
- Irv Weiner
- Irving Calkins
- Irving Desfor
- Irving Feld (Foto)
- Irving M. Lewis (Foto)
- Irving Tannen (Foto)
- Irving the Magician and Company (Plakat)
- Isaac Allen
- Isaac Fawkes
- Isaac Fawkes (Publikation)
- Isadore Bromfield
- It's Easier Than You Think
- It's Magic, Charly Brown
- It Must Be Mindreading
- It’s Magic
- It’s Magic (Plakat)
- It’s a Pip
- Ivan Chabert
- Ivan Necheporenko
- Ivan Necheporenko (Foto)
- Ivardo (Foto)
- I’m Still Tapping
- J-B Junior Magician
- J. A. Briggs
- J. Albert Briggs
- J. C. Wagner
- J. E. Gray
- J. F. Orrin
- J. G. Thompson, Jr.
- J. G. Thompson, Jr. (Foto 04)
- J. G. Thompson Jr. (Foto)
- J. G. Thompson Jr. (Foto 02)
- J. G. Thompson Jr. (Foto 03)
- J. H. van Rinkhuysen
- J. Hamp
- J. Hartford Armstrong
- J. Marberger Stuart
- J. W. Warrender
- Ja, Kann Man Denn Davon Leben? Street Magic
- Jac Olten
- Jac Olten (Foto)
- Jacii Lee (Foto)
- Jack Adams
- Jack Alban
- Jack Avis
- Jack Avis (Foto)
- Jack Barrows
- Jack Bauer
- Jack Birnman
- Jack Bruce Band (Plakat)
- Jack Carpenter
- Jack Chanin
- Jack Chanin (Foto 1)
- Jack Chanin (Foto 2)
- Jack Clements
- Jack Dean
- Jack Delvin
- Jack Delvin (Foto)
- Jack Flosso
- Jack Gwyne
- Jack Gwynne
- Jack Gwynne (Foto)
- Jack Gwynne (Foto 2)
- Jack Gwynne (Foto 3)
- Jack Hillard
- Jack Hood (Foto)
- Jack Houghes (Foto)
- Jack Hove (Foto)
- Jack Hughes
- Jack Hughes (Foto 1)
- Jack Hughes (Foto 2)
- Jack Hughes World of Magic
- Jack Hurlbut (Foto)
- Jack Kodell
- Jack Kodell (Foto)
- Jack Lamonte
- Jack Lamonte (Foto 1)
- Jack Lamonte (Foto 2)
- Jack Lamonte (Foto 3)
- Jack Lamonte (Foto 4)
- Jack Leser (Foto)
- Jack Leser and Joan (Foto)
- Jack London (Foto)
- Jack Malon (Foto)
- Jack Mayes
- Jack Mayes (Foto 2)
- Jack Mayes (Foto 3)
- Jack McMillen
- Jack Miller
- Jack Miller (Foto 01)
- Jack Miller (Foto 02)
- Jack Miller (Foto 03)
- Jack Miltour
- Jack Parker
- Jack Parker (Foto)
- Jack Parker’s Fiftytwo Memories
- Jack Potter
- Jack Pyle
- Jack Ricketts (Foto)
- Jack Salvin (Foto)
- Jack Schnider (Foto)
- Jack Stephens
- Jack Swimmer (Foto)
- Jack Swimmer (Foto 02)
- Jack Trepel
- Jack Trepel (Foto 01)
- Jack Trepel (Foto 02)
- Jack Trepel (Foto 03)
- Jack Walsh (Foto)
- Jack Williams (Foto)
- Jackie Steel und Athene
- Jackson Bonnor
- Jacky Fox
- Jacob Daley
- Jacob Meyer
- Jacob Philadelphia
- Jacob van Moort
- Jacoby Stein (Foto)
- Jacqueline, Eddy & Co
- Jacques Courcelles
- Jacques Dugour (Foto)
- Jacques Ozanam
- Jacques Voignier
- Jacques de Vaucanson
- Jade (Foto)
- Jahrmarkt, der Sehenswürdigkeiten und Scenen
- Jakob C. Schultheiß
- Jakob Mathias
- Jakob Stein
- Jakobus Wunnink
- James Andrews
- James B. Alfredson
- James B. Alfredson (Foto)
- James B. Findlay
- James B. Lake (Foto)
- James Barton
- James C. Wobensmith
- James C. Wobensmith (Foto 01)
- James C. Wobensmith (Foto 02)
- James Carl
- James Coburn (Foto)
- James Crabe (Foto)
- James Dimmare
- James Dimmare (Foto)
- James File - Volume One
- James File - Volume Two
- James Findlay (Foto)
- James Finlay
- James Gosch
- James Gosch (Foto 1)
- James H. Stevenson
- James Hagy
- James Hodges
- James Kennedy
- James Killip (Foto)
- James Kramer
- James Lee (Foto)
- James Lewis (Foto)
- James McKeague (Foto)
- James Patton
- James Randi
- James Randi (Foto 01)
- James Randi (Foto 02)
- James Randi (Foto 03)
- James Randi (Foto 04)
- James Reid
- James S. Harto
- James Savren
- James Stewart
- James Swain (Foto)
- James Swain (Foto 02)
- James Swoger
- James Swoger (Foto 01)
- James Swoger (Foto 02)
- James William Elliot (Foto 1)
- James William Elliot (Foto 2)
- James William Elliott
- James Zachary
- Jamy Ian Swiss
- Jamy Ian Swiss (Foto 01)
- Jamy Ian Swiss (Foto 02)
- Jan Becker
- Jan Crosby
- Jan Ditgen
- Jan Forster
- Jan Gol
- Jan Grippo (Foto)
- Jan Isenbart
- Jan Jacobs
- Jan Jartoman
- Jan Logemann
- Jan Madd
- Jan Mattheis
- Jan Rouven
- Jan Rouven (Foto 01)
- Jan Rouvens (Foto 02)
- Jan Torell
- Jan Torell (Foto)
- Jani Ballan
- Jani Staar (Foto)
- Janice McKissick (Foto)
- Janis von dem Borne
- Janitos Fantoom Perspex
- Jann Goodsell
- Janos Bartl
- Janos Bartl Katalog 1929
- Janos Bartl Katalog 1930
- Janos Bartl Katalog 1931
- Janos Bartl Katalog 1940
- Janos Bartl Katalog 1950
- Janos Bartl Katalog 1951
- Janos Bartl Katalog 1960
- Janosch - Der Tiger lernt Zaubern
- Januar 2015
- Janós Bartl
- Japanische Plakat (Plakat)
- Japanisches Plakat (Plakat)
- Japanisches Plakat (Plakat 2)
- Jaque
- Jaquet Roger
- Jardine Ellis
- Jardine Ellis Ring
- Jaro Dubsky
- Jarow (Foto)
- Jarvis
- Jason Alexander
- Jason Alford
- Jason Latimer
- Jason Latimer (Foto 1)
- Jason Latimer (Foto 2)
- Jason Palter
- Jason Parker
- Jason Randal
- Jasper Maskelyne
- Jasper Maskelyne (Foto)
- Javi Benitez
- Javier
- Javier Antón
- Javier Areny-Plandolit
- Javier Botia
- Javier Varea
- Javier d’Areny-Plandolit Gassó
- Javier y Ana
- Jay Bedsworth
- Jay Fortune
- Jay Lee (Foto)
- Jay Marshall
- Jay Marshall (Foto)